Sunday, May 2, 2010

word's buzzing!

MIScup is on the way! just around the corner! cant wait!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

They love nothing more than spending time together, and although Zac's friends are always trying to get him to party with them, he prefers to have romantic nights with his girlfriend.

"He says he's honoured to be with her." one of Zac's friends revealed. "He thinks she's just amazing. They're like an old married couple."

Zac, 22, and 21-year-old Vanessa have repeatedly denied claims they are planning to tie the knot, although Vanessa had been heard discussing her dream engagement ring with pals.

Zac has reportedly told pals he is coming round to the idea of marriage, and would love to have the ceremony on the beach in Malibu. "Zac says when he looks at his life, there's no way he can envision it without Vanessa" (aww, so sweet :) a source explained.

Source --

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picture : do they look cute with a little boy or what?! LOL

Saturday, April 10, 2010

wants bananas, got durian ~ LOL

It's saturday evening and I wanna eat PISANG GORENG!
It's fried banana! I love it so much. especially on rainy nights like this! oh gosh, wish i had one.

but instead of bananas, I just got DURIAN! wow, way different taste..
its all the fruit i can eat for now. might as well enjoy... :)

dont forget to check out my "HEY SOUL SISTER" video on YouTube :)

Friday, April 9, 2010


It's a friday again. My mom just went to Bali and I'm with my dad and lil' bro ~
just came home from school. well, this day wasnt the worst day, but it wasn't the best day either. One thing I discovered today is that me and my classmates have gone very close! Much closer than before. Our principal just told our vice-principal who told us that our class is really united! wow!
thank you Mr. Billy :D

but I really felt that feeling too! we were like glue and paper. like brothers and sisters!

shout out to all my fellow classmates of 10b ! <3

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Last tuesday, April 6, our class went to Bunaken. It was a very exciting experience, we had a lot of fun. My friends and I planned a surprise for our dearest maam Hazel, and our plan succeded! she said it was the first time for her to blow a birthday candle on her actual birthday. and it was the one of her best memories. :)

there was an unexpected tragedy that happened, but not that bad. But thank God that we all survived! LOL

riding a boat, singing happy birthday, snorkling, sinking, singing, playing, praying, having fun is all what we did! I'm just so happy I have friends like 10b!

Its Been a While ~

I just came home from school..but came home with my friends. I went on a trip down to Manado first. hahaha well, so tired.
but really really had a great day. Now watching AI and Rihanna just performed. ROCKSTAR! hahaha

Monday, January 4, 2010


Zanessa has been going strong since 2005! salute the couple! love them soo much! xoxo

NEW YEAR's !st Basketball Practice

wow!! so tired. Just got home from basketball practice and now I'm in bed!

and I was really exited since we just got our new uniforms! It was so cool!
cant wait to use it someday. DBL is getting nearer by the second. O my gosh!
this s*** is making me so nervous!! ahaha