Sunday, January 5, 2014


Goodbye twenty thirteen! Hallo 2014!
wow 2013 went by like a snap!
I didn't think I accomplished that much this year. I've been down the hill ever since I got to college,
everything is so different. and even after I've been here for a year, I still cant find a way to somehow, enjoy it here.
I feel like meh


it's a new year. a fresh start. a new beginning.
I really hope whatever happens this year, will be for the better.

New year's resolution you might ask?
I want to practice my english (since we dont use it as often as high school anymore) through writing blogs and doing video blogs as well. If not everyday, then every week, or whenever I want to.
So from now on, I will frequently do my blogs and vlogs!
Doesn't matter who reads this.
this is like my diary (sort of)
my way of practicing.

hope you guys have a wonderful new year! happy holidays!

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